

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

And miles to go before I sleep...

Hello, Hello!

Speaking of insanity, this week is the definition of all things crazy and back-ass-wards.
Other than that, not so bad.

I'm full time at the paper this week, because one of the other ladies needed some time off. That means if the paper doesn't come out on time, my bad.
I was working on the 'dummy' today (the mock-up layout for all the ads) and usually it's not too bad, pretty cut and dry.
But, the only week I have to do it, it's one big mess. They keep selling late ads, which means a bunch of redoing and rearranging. It's like a big jigsaw puzzle where people keep adding pieces and saying "It's okay they will fit." Thankfully, with a little help from my boss, I got it done just in time to make it to coaching.

Coaching is wonderful as always. Planning for year end carnivals for both Airdrie and Crossfield (I coach at both clubs) is in the works already. Things are really moving along there.
There is a competition in Edmonton soon for one of my skater's, I'm really looking forward to that.

Pretty excited for tomorrow, even though I'm busy from 6:30 am until 9:30 pm (totally full plate). I have hooping tomorrow night, and since there was no class last week because of Halloween, I'm super ready to get moving again.

Can you believe it's been a week since Halloween?
This year for Halloween, since Jason was working (he did nights last week) I dressed up as gypsy and went for a drink at Smitty's lounge. It was pretty fun, lots of people and I won second prize for best dressed! Yay for new headphones.
And when I say dressed up as a gypsy, I went all out, using things I found in my closet. I have a very... eclectic closet.
It was a good Halloween as always.

The past weekend was nuts at work. I don't know what happened, but I think when the clocks went back an hour, everyone's internal clock was still the same. The rush happened an hour earlier than normal, and ho boy, did that throw us off, since we weren't quite fully staffed yet.

I would have liked to sit down and have a chat with my Grandpa, and Grandma, and Mom and Dad, but I truly did not have a second to even sip my coffee (sacrilege I know).

It's okay though because I'm taking this weekend off (again). I'm basically working every second weekend lately. But when I'm working extra hours at the paper, plus coaching, I'm going to wear myself too thin if I don't have a day off here and there.
Look, I'm learning to say no. You should be proud.

Anyway, I'm ready for bed since I have to be up at an ungodly hour.
If you have a minute you should vote on my poll
Maybe you'll be the first one! You lucky duck.



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