

Monday, April 13, 2020

It might be spring

Out on a walk the other day, and found lots of Robin's by the ponds, so spring should be on it's way. Right?

The kids and I planted a bunch of seeds on April 4. The awesome news is, most of them have really taken off. The Uh-Oh news is, the pumpkins are growing way too fast and spring isn't getting here fast enough. Also, we have four pumpkin plants growing inside, and probably nowhere to plant them outside. Most of what I have growing inside will get planted at the farm, since it was my mom who bought the seeds for pumpkins and watermelons for the kids anyway. I just don't have anywhere big enough to plant them, and still have room for other plants.

I made a thing. It's a pouf. I found a pattern online (by closet case patterns) and decided to embark on a pretty adventurous journey. My sewing skills are okay, and my machine is temperamental. But I did it! Spread it out over a few days, and actually followed directions (who am I?) and it turned out lovely. I was planning on using it as a foot stool for my upstairs chair, but the kids have already laid claim.
Snowy view from my makeshift sewing area.

Top pieces ready to be assembled.

Bottom has a zipper. Which took me 2 tries to install.
Zippers are not my strong suit, but after placing it wrong the first time,
the second time turned out really well. 
Finished and stuffed! It is meant to be scrappy, and is stuffed with old clothes that are too ratty to be donated.
Overall, I'm really proud of myself for how this turned out. I did struggle with the zipper, but glad I properly took it out and reinstalled it. I doubt I will do a lot of other sewing projects for awhile, but this was fun. 

Our Easter was pretty low-key. Jason worked yesterday, so we didn't have any fancy meals. But we did eat supper in our blanket fort yesterday, so that was fun.
The kids had a treasure hunt to find their Easter baskets yesterday and they really enjoyed that.

Our schooling is pretty slow. Zoe has started taking up sewing and made a pillow for her Barbies, which is impressive. William is still working on all the Lego. Which he enjoys doing on the stairs for some strange reason.

I hope everyone has been enjoying some sunny weather now and again, even if it's still freezing. 

Peace & Love


Monday, March 30, 2020

Let's try this again

I feel like I have so much to share, that an instagram post just isn't enough.
And I think I have the time to finally write again!

We've been homeschooling. It's a VERY loose term. We generally school Monday to Thursday, just like Zoe's Kindergarten schedule was. We start around 9 and end somewhere between 10:30 and 11:30 depending on the activities.

We're doing it for a few reasons. I enjoy the structure, it really helps me get the day started. Zoe enjoys it, and a few things were very Zoe led to begin with. During Kindergarten they had done journals (drawings and some letters) and she really enjoys doing that still, which is how we start our day.

I also like planning for the week. I'm not coaching right now, and I fully enjoy using my creativity to plan a schedule for the week. Today was a 'Music Monday'. To fit in that category, our story was 'Old MacDonald had a Farm' and our craft was shaker bottles. Zoe liked story time at school, and was a bit disappointed that I did not have a carpet for her to sit on. We do have a fluffy blanket and that has become our storytime blanket. It has also become Jackman's favourite place to lay down, and takes full advantage of it the second I lay it on the floor.

The shaker bottle was water bottles I pulled out of recycling, then we put food colouring in uncooked rice, made a small mess, and filled the bottles with rice, beads, googly eyes, sticks and pom-poms. Ta-da - Music!

We ended schooling by 10:30 this morning, as Zoe was very done and had a melt down while we were doing the bird dance.

At first, we didn't really have an official way to end the school part of our day, and it was confusing for us. Now we have a song that we play when we're done, and then we usually have some quiet time. I feel like Zoe is very done with me by that part.

William participates when he likes. Usually he listens to story time, occasionally does some crafting, and always dances or works out with us.

And if we don't get something done in a day? Then that's okay. I have a bin for crafts that are half-finished because the kids were just not interested.

We are now starting distance learning to, and since (Thank Goodness!) it's only Kindergarten the activities are mainly play based and a lot of what we are already doing (storytime, movement activities, journaling).

I am grateful for the fact that it is only Kindergarten and I wasn't thrown into a situation where it was schooling beyond my knowledge or recollection. And that it's only one kid. I have much to be thankful for right now, as Zoe also willingly participates. Though I have noticed her moods are starting to swing a bit, as this situation is really starting to wear on her. She is very social and I know it's tough that she can't do that part of school, as it was her favourite.

Aside from that? It's pretty dull. I'm a bit of an emotional rollercoaster now and again. I've noticed that since I'm home all morning, it's really easy for me to finish an entire pot of coffee. And I suck at eating in the morning. By lunch I end up being a jittery mess and get pretty snappy, and usually have to go hide.

And the lack of adult contact can be draining when Jason is working long days. I feel like I forget how to have a conversation. Or I just end up having a lot of conversations with myself, which I'm sure is not crazy at all.

I've definitely had mornings where I have been unsettled and have no idea what to do with myself. I pulled all my yarn out of it's bin one morning last week. Sat and stared at it. Then left it all over my bedroom floor for most of the day. The kids gave me trouble for making a mess.

I do have a new plant though I'm very excited about. It's a teeny venus fly trap. In a clear skull planter. Well it was a candle holder, but I think it works better this way.

I think I will use this blog again to make updates on what is happening in our little house. Gives me another thing to do, yay!

Hope everyone out there is doing okay and making do with their situation.

Peace & Love
