

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How concerned are you?

Here's a question I've pondered on from time to time. Ethical clothing vs. Fast Fashion. Basically do you want clothes made by people working in a sweatshop or would you feel bad after knowing the conditions in which your garments were made?
I've always been a little concerned and have even boycotted a few stores. I am just as guilty as the rest though for shopping fast fashion. My strategy is usually not too have something everyone else is wearing.
That doesn't mean though that my clothes weren't made by someone who really didn't want to be there but needed that extra dollar a day.
There's a bit of a debate right now on where the future of fashion is going. Will we continue to just buy and not concern ourselves with the where or how? Or will we think twice about the garments we buy and put some thought into supporting ethically produced brands?
This is not the same as green oriented but the way the clothes are made and the labour conditions the company or brand has. It's not what they are made of but how.

Quite a few people think that within the next five years even we may see a significant change in the way we go about purchasing our clothes. I'm not sure if I agree a significant change will occur in such a short time, but I do believe some changes will be seen. The first step though, as always, will be awareness and breaking through the apathy.

Are you concerned?


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