

Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday's Musings

I try to keep up with everything oilsands, but it seems to just keep tumbling in a vicious circle.

Someone doesn't like the oilsands because they aren't green friendly, so then we (government and oilsands representatives) become huffy and defensive.
Now the EU is discriminating against our 'dirty' oilsands and we are criticizing their lack of knowledge regarding other countries oilsands.
Well, I'm not quoting anything or going fact for fact, but this is all I have so far.

I don't know the great in's and out's, or the little details, but if I was to throw out a plan I would say that the oilsands are making money.
Yes, it's a finite resource, but can we not use money from said finite resource to invest in alternatives?
Sure, it would be a conflict of interest, but if the company investing, has a hand in the alternatives when they become viable, then they could move their company in a new direction, with a whole new future.

Basically all I'm saying is yes, we need to plan ahead, but with all the planning ahead, as a society there is not a whole lot of focusing and fixing the now. Without focus on the now it's really hard to progress smoothly into the future.

So with the oilsands working, use them to their fullest and exploit them to invest in other 'greener' and long-term projects.

I still have problems with the protests against the Keystone XL pipeline. This would be creating countless jobs for a US economy that should basically start looking for work and help where ever it can find it.

Sure it could be short-term work for some, not a life-time career, but it's a step in the right direction. It could possibly help whole towns get back on their feet.

That is rant number one.

Onto a more topical note, Halloween!
Halloween is my favourite holiday.
So I will share with you this lovely article about candy. More specifically, which candy is better.
I choose tootsie rolls, hands down.
Happy Haunting!


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