

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

See No Evil, Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil

It's no surprise to anyone that with the age of information and post 9/11 life, children are growing up under much different circumstances than 15 or 20 years ago.
The difficulty level of parenting may be growing, with the question of how much information is too much, being asked more and more each day.
With paranoia bubbling over and taboo subjects up for general discussion, the innocence of children seems to be at risk.

A CBC article published just days after the tenth anniversary of 9/11 states that the U.S. has plans to ease restrictions on children 12 and under during security procedures.
The plan is to revamp a few pat down procedures to not include private areas, and to allow children to keep their shoes on, in most cases.
There still may be cases though where security will take unpredictable measures and the shoes may have to come off.
Also, children may be asked to walk through a detector or scanner more than once to double-check or obtain a more precise image.
After making sure it is clear to your children that their best behaviour is necessary just to board the plane how do you explain to them that it might be necessary for them to go through the scanner more times than the adults or other children?

It's never been easy, appropriately answering a child's eager questions without flinging the door wide open for more simple, curious inquiry.
Now, with more information readily available for them to stumble across, how are parents supposed to preserve a child's innocence? Even grade school seems to open their prying eyes and minds to ideas and facts some adults cringe about.
One father resorted to ripping pages out of his six-year-old sons school planner, because there were days of significance such as " International Day of Zero-Tolerance on Female Genitalia Cutting/Mutilation".

It's days like this I feel blessed to have the 'sheltered' upbringing I did some days. I'm not saying I was lied to or anything like that. I'm saying I'm glad I was kept in the dark about these these big picture, worldly issues that most adults have problems dealing with themselves.

The sex talk doesn't even seem to be the most difficult and avoidable talk for parents anymore. I'm sure parents would probably gladly discuss the difference between girl and boy parts then why we have international days about them.

Reverting back to where society was before extreme terrorism or all-inclusive awareness is next to impossible, but there is no need to awaken a toddlers mind to the dangers of war without absolute necessity. When it comes to danger, the basics such as do not talk to strangers or play in the street should suffice. Even though these may seem like putting on a wind-breaker to face a blizzard, as long as a child's intake of information is monitored, there shouldn't be a lot of loopholes where it's necessary to discuss the daily news.

Constant monitoring instant easy but it never has been, and it has always been a major part of parenting. It's in the job description.


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