

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

More on the Lifestyle side of things..

I'm not usually one for agreeing with taboos, but I think on a certain level a lot of taboos are put in place for a reason.

The story Globe and Mail has printed talks about a mother opening up on her blog about the fact that she thinks she favours her son over her daughter.

That is not something I have a problem with, simply because of personalities and the way one personality may compliment another, makes it almost impossible for a parent to not find it easier to get along with, or deal with one child over another. That doesn't mean you may love them more or less though, just in different ways.

The Globe lightly discusses whether or not it would be a good idea for parents to break the taboo of talking about family favouritism, and I'm just not sure it's a good idea.

I think it is a good idea to realize that on some level it may always be there. But to openly discuss it, may make it less taboo, therefore, going too far and it becoming just another fact of life.

When it becomes such, then family favouritism won't seem as scary, and that makes it okay. Which it's not, it can be and almost always is very damaging to all children involved.

I think that by removing taboos it lets things flow over into the okay category.

I'm not saying there are certain ways to raise your children, and I'm not saying anyone should be denying that this exists, I'm just saying that even though it does, parents should not just accept it and let it be, but to work at it so it doesn't become worse and the impact on the children can be lessened.

Here's an article from Psychology Today, I don't necessarily agree with all it discusses but it has more insight into the matter.

These are just my thoughts on the matter.



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