

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The way the world works

When it comes to the education system, I'm a critic. Only because I deem it absolutely necessary. The more critics the system has, the more might actually be done to fix it.

One of my biggest concerns of course, is the cutbacks to physical education. Some schools no longer have gym everyday, yet no one can seem to figure out why they are gaining weight or becoming lethargic.

Skate Canada hit the nail on the head:
"However, due to government cutbacks and a shift in core subject matters in school curricula we have created physically illiterate individuals. As a result, the ability to develop fundamental movement skills (running, jumping, throwing, adaptations to ice, snow, and water) as well as basic motor skills (balance, coordination, agility, speed, etc.) at an early age is becoming alarmingly non– existent."
[quote from Skate Canada's new program]

All children must receive an education, yet nothing is being done to enhance the quality of education they are receiving.

Oh except for making sure no children's feelings are being hurt. Heaven forbid they receive a zero mark for something they didn't do. It's okay if they don't do it, I'm sure they had something else to do.

But I digress, that's another issue completely.

I just don't understand why extra-curricular programs need to step up to provide the basics that used to be taught in grade school. 

I've heard, read, seen so many studies about how children need a certain amount of physical activity per day to maintain good health. School's used to provide this, a simple one hour out of the school day, to get up and move around. 

It's also no wonder every second kid has ADD, they no longer have time to run around and burn off all of their energy. I haven't met one adult who can, without complaining, sit at a desk all day, and now we  expect 7 year olds to do it without complaining or losing interest. 

It's good, that some non-school programs are stepping up to cover the gap, but I'm sure not all of them are, which makes it harder for some kids to get into sports in the first place. Extra-curricular sports aren't cheap either, so not all kids have the chance to participate.

School is one of the very few things that is mandatory in this lifetime. It's the basis for the rest of our lives. 

I'm not saying if you sucked in school you can't turn your life around, but grade school is where you learn how to learn, play, and socialize.

I hear stories of what kids get away with today in school. It's not their fault if they graduate unprepared, they are being set up for it.

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